July Newsletter

It's hard for me to believe, but we are quickly coming to the end of another summer!

It feels as if we just began... Where does the time go?

Each year, about this time, I find myself reflecting on the new school year. It is always clear to see God's blessings, faithfulness, and presence here at Christ the King. The days and months may begin to blur as we pause to remember things, but His blessings always stand out clearly!  
The first of these blessings is how the Lord faithfully "grows" the children He has placed in our care. Many children will start the school year with apprehension and caution, as they venture into their classrooms. But, as the months continue, we will see new friendships develop and old friendships rekindled. Our staff also has the joy of watching the children grow in practicing and learning new skills, as they reach new milestones.
The blessing closest to my heart is being able to see the children respond as they learn more about Jesus and His love for EACH of them. It is our prayer at Christ the King Lutheran Church and Preschool that we present Christ's love and His Word to the hearts of all our students. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth, 3 John 1:4. 

It feels like there is a lot of conflict in our country right now, but even when it seems like there is a lot of tension and fighting, we recognize that we are truly blessed to live in the United States. As Christians, we enjoy many freedoms that people in other parts of the world do not have.

We can worship our God, whenever we want, without worry or fear. That is one of many reasons we join in celebrating our nation’s Independence Day.

We pray that God will continue to bless our country with this great freedom.
Please know that the staff here at CTK counts it a blessing and privilege to partner with you on this journey called Early Childhood Education, and we all hope and pray that this year at CTK will be just as much a blessing for you and your family, as it will be for us!

Mail-Outs will be sent home the week of July 1st. What are mail-outs you ask? CTK will be mailing out information. The information will include orientation time, your child’s teacher, and your child’s classroom.

We will see you soon!

God’s Blessings,
